5 things to do in Milan

Milan has become a  very popular destination recently, with very affordable flights and decent and relatively inexpensive accommodation. Apart from visiting the city with its classic sights, to understand the Mediterranean lifestyle, there are a few activities worth doing:


  1. Play bocciofila, a game similar to the one in France called petanque. It plays with large and heavy balls that are thrown towards a target placed a few yards ahead. You will surely notice people playing in the parks.Image result for petanque
  2. Visit Santa Maria alla Fontana church which has a heling spring, rumor has it.
  3. Go to Ponta di Genova and admire the panorama.
  4. Try local pastries. In Italian it is called pasticeria. Simple, right? Pasticceria Panarello (Piazza S.Nazaro in Brolo, 20122 Milan) is one of the best.
  5. Visit the Navigli neighborhood. You can find some fine places where one can eat polenta in many ways, for example Luca e Andrea Cafe-Bar (Alzaia Naviglio Grande 34,) or El Bechee (Via Gaudenzio Ferrari | Angolo Corso Genova 25).Fotos: Wikipedia, Internet, Zenoa.

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